gen y

Dec 18, 2024

Generation Greytt: The trillion-dollar market that brands continue to ignore

Armed with unprecedented pocket power and digital savvy, the over-50s are redefining what it means to age. Yet businesses remain fixated on youth, overlooking a demographic that's more adventurous, connected and ready to spend than ever before. Rajeev Lochan opines.

Oct 18, 2017

Millennials and brands: It's complicated

Stereotypes about millennials abound, some more true than others. Brands that take the time to understand them can win much respect.

Oct 21, 2013

Case Study: How hipsters, Les Miz and dodgy jeans connected a Thai bank with Gen Y

BANGKOK: Thai Gen Ys (20-30 year olds) don’t like banks or even credit cards and don't really watch TV - so Siam Commercial Bank launched a new mobile payment product (Up2Me) and teamed up with JWT to launch a webfilm and engage the target audiance on its own turf. The success changed the company's thinking.

Sep 23, 2011

Gen Y picks the internet over cars, dating, and partying

GLOBAL - The Internet is more important to Generation Y than dating, going out with friends, listening to music, or owning a car, according to a Cisco-commissioned survey.

May 5, 2011

OPINION: Singapore election heralds new generation

As Singapore gears up for Saturday’s general election, Publicis Asia vice-chairman and chief creative officer Calvin Soh shares his perspective on a new generation of voters – and consumers.

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